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Friday, February 12, 2010

Post # 4

           When I think about politics in America, and I know the manipulation the powers play to influence elections, you know, the axiom that reads : He who has the most money wins.  But its the people who have the least who have the most numbers and the most passion for change.   As a woman I am subjected to even greater discriminatin, and belittlement - as if I have to be pretty ( I am not)  to run.  What I want to do is to put the commoners back on the map,  and help heal the illness of  greed that has the very wealthy unable to live with compassion or equality under God.  Our very foundation is shaken by the bewilderment and amazement of the depth of this imbalance. We can’t believe that corporations could possibly take insurance policies out on their own employees without their knowledge and rake in millions whne those employees die and early death, yet pass none onto the family.  THe depravity assualts the senses, So much so that many many of us cannot bear to look at it. WE deny that this could be! Those buildings fell from jet airline fuel fire, steel building pulveried becuase a plane crashed into them.  The truth is simply too unbearable, it is simply too hard to see, and that is why so much keeps on happening.    Too many people cannot fathom the depravity of the mentally ill ultra rich.   

They somehow think that because the ultra rich have 98% of the wealth they will stop there, and be happy with that amount. What a problem ! A very few people rule the world, but that is changing, the tipping point could be turning that around. We have 2012 coming, and the general feeling of some great change coming.  It is so imperative that we visualize that change each one of us individually, and as we do force the power of our will that THAT CHANGE BE FOR THE BETTER.  

I have the knowledge, the insight, and the passion. I am absent of greed, and absent of need for material gain.  I have to overcome so many obstacles, but I must look at them not as obstacles.  For example, I must ignore the closed doors that are everywhere, a small door may lead to a tunnel that comes upsomewhere very influencial.  Alice in Wonderland.  I must say I am not angry at the wrongs of the world, I am instead sad... Greatly saddened that our potential as humans is so challenged, and that we are involved in disrespect of the earth. 

My job is to awaken as many people as possible to the tools of control we have within our reach to level the playing field.  In this day an age the “playong field” is a near vertical cliff, that is the incline that climbers who wish to find prosperity must  ascend.  But life should be much kinder and more enjoyable, and as soon as people understand the power of creating their own fairer banking system they will see it is as important as the wheel, as far as moving life in a better saner, cleaner, fairer direction.

        Thus I am on a path tto see that both the Bank of Vermont modeled after the Bank of Norh Dakota, and the Common Good Bank of Vermont get created and the healing begin!

I don’t know how, other than shere will, persistance and faith that the intelligence will be shared.

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